Monday 4 February 2013

The strange James Jnr.

Too many questions have remained unanswered and the few that have been answered are bitterly answered with further questions.

This is the best way to describe what has been happening in Igala Kingdom since the 16th day of July, 2012 that the last Atta passed on.

Who becomes the next Atta and on what grounds? This is a simple question you can hardly get a straight answer for.

Because of the political accusations and the sentiments that have escorted this subject, we became mute at a point.

However, it is difficult to ignore someone in this whole play.

One James Jrn. has since declared himself as the next Atta. What is surprising is the apparent conviction he speaks with. His lone campaign is strictly on social media.

See his last post below

''INJUSTICE AND CONSPIRACY OVER MY THRONE HAS NO ROOM'' As i strongly believe by the order of our ancestors and i key unto it as i was led by our late father, (HRM) DR, ALHAJI ALIYU OCHEJA OBAJE. I still remain only their CHOICE....Except and until their choice ascend the throne, ''ATTAH IGALA KINGDOM STOOL STILL REMAIN VACANT'' IAM THE CHOSEN FOR THE BETTEMENT OF ATTAH IGALA KINGDOM. And that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. All igala sons and daughters are enjoined to go back and ask our IFA (ORACLE) about me (HRM) ATTAH EKELE EGBUNU JAMES. Peace be unto my land and the world. Happy sunday everyone! Stay out of trouble"

This is how strange James Jnr has become

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